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The Red Horse Is Among Us

Jesus prophesied that the worst of woes and wars would be "unequaled from the beginning of the world until now-- and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive." ~ Matthew 24:21

"Man is hellbent on a blind course toward World War III." ~ Former UN Sec Gen Javier Perez

"War will burst sooner or later. And whoever believes the contrary makes a tragic mistake." ~ China's Den Xiaoping, 1980

"Man has used every weapon he has ever devised... It takes no crystal ball to perceive that a nuclear war is likely... In a nuclear war, all mankind would lose." ~ Ronald Reagan

"Only he who has decided to commit suicide can start a nuclear war." ~ Late Soviet President and Communist Party Chief Leonid Brezhnev

"Wherever and however a nuclear whirlwind arises, it will inevitably go out of control and cause a worldwide catastrophe." ~ Former Russian President Yuri Andropov

The late scientist Albert Einstein predicted that in a full-scale nuclear exchange at least a third of the population of the world will die. That equates to 2.5 billion people given the 2018 population of the world. Take a look around you. Statistically that means that if you are seated at a table with five others, in an all-out nuclear exchange two of you will be killed within a few moments.

War, and especially nuclear, biological or chemical war is on the face of it evil. Given that, the civilized world must at all costs move to ensure that no entity or nation has such weapons in their possession and the means to deploy them if their world-view or leaders are insane enough to be devoid of conscience. I say entity in light of the number of man-portable nuclear devices loose on the planet.

Sadly, without universal repentance (turning away from the current trajectory in disgust), and asking for the forgiveness of Almighty Jehovah God in accordance with 2 Chronicles 7:12 it ain't gonna happen. The ancient prophecies will be fulfilled, and in the immediate future.

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