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Christian-ophobia Growing in America

Critics continue to assert that there is no institutionalized bias against Christianity and no war on the faith in the United States. They claim those who make such claims are paranoid, and often attempt to "flip" the story to portray the victims as instigators. Yet a meticulously documented tendency has been for persecution to grow in frequency and intensity.

"Christian-ophobia" may be defined as irrational, excessive and persistent hatred for or fear of Christians. The reality of the matter is that while believers are the visible focus of the onslaught, the true target is Jesus Christ himself. The most vociferous opponents-- as with the First Century Church tend to be the self-identified elite in academia, science, government and even some church leaders. Many are in positions that enable them to subtly take action on their anger and fears.

Cultural progressive activists have been documented uttering such comments as:

"They make me a believer in eugenics... They pollute good air... I would be in favor of establishing a state for them... If not, then sterilize them so they can't breed more." (This was a 46-55 year old man with a Master's degree).

"They should be eradicated without hesitation or remorse. Their only purpose is to damage and inflict their fundamentalist virus onto everyone they come in contact with." (This was a 66-75 year old woman with a Master's degree).

"I want them all to die in a fire." (This was a 26-35 year old man with a Doctorate).

These are but three out of a volume of statements collected over the past decade echoing public rhetoric of the Nazi Sturm Abteilung (Brown Shirts) of the 1930s and 1940s... and any student of history can relate how well that turned out in Germany.

Usually those who exhibit intolerance admit they are intolerant and strive to justify their intolerance. The Christian-ophobes tend not even to admit their prejudices. Instead they throw up a smoke screen claiming to interpret social reality in a fair manner. Convincing themselves they are fair and tolerant leaves them free to attack those they find repulsive.

By definition these individuals are intolerant. Far from preserving an understanding of truth while exposing falsehood, they head off down the opposite path. Their own emotions have distorted their intellectual debating points and clouded their judgment. What their feelings tell them is negative is not objectively so.

Most of us have at some time offered constructive criticism and received in return anger and rejection from the other party. The more they are married to the mistaken notion, the more intense the resistance and the more aggressive and personal the attack on the one rendering the constructive criticism.

In today's America the trend increasingly is for each to do what is right in his own eyes and for ethics to be purely situational. This is diametrically opposed to true Christianity, whereby "lifestyle choices" are identified for what they really are: sins that fall far short of the expectations of the Creator of all that is. Further, that each will be judged and either justified or condemned at the appropriate time.

Statistically the elitist Christian-ophobes have been predominantly white, mis-educated in primarily liberal-dominated institutions, and wealthy. They perceive themselves as intellectuals and advocates for one of the many anti-Christian movements afloat in the land. Not only do they indulge readily in sin, they perceive that their very happiness depends on the realization of their vision for society. Perceiving themselves as wise, they become increasingly foolish and potentially dangerous to themselves and others.

Genuine Christianity stands as a roadblock to their "progress." What do we do with roadblocks? If we are wise, we heed the warnings and turn back. Sadly the opposite is more popular: if it feels uncomfortable-- obliterate it.

Is this news doom and gloom for the follower of Jesus of Nazareth? Not at all. When facing opposition for our faith and for living it out, we should be overjoyed. We are thereby traveling in good and noble company with all the martyrs for the faith from Jesus Himself on. The only ship that is not meeting resistance is the one that is not moving in the water. So keep the faith. We've read the Book to the last page.... WE WIN!

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